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International customer service course in Tartu

 In the period 27.10.2024-08.11.2024, Tartu Vocational Collage has students from Finland, Latvia, Spain and Germany who have come here to study international customer service. 
What they think about the first week here and the program:


  • nice old town with lots of little shops and bars

  • compact city center where you can find everything needed

  • people in estonia are very reserved towards strangers

  • for a student city there are not many students in the center

  • classes have a nice, light atmosphere 

  • it is nice to meet a lot of new people

  • we learn about different companies in different countries 

  • we learn that customer service is very different in different countries


  • Calm vibe -_-

  • It gets dark very very very very very very very fast, I need the sun ☀️

  • I like the school 👊

  • Some estonian students are rude 👺

  • I like that we get enough time to rest 🙂

  • Meeting new people is cool 👁️ 👄 👁️

  • Learnt about customer service in Estonia by experience

  • Didn’t expect estonian people to be shy


Tartu has a nice little town center, which is unfortunately not very lively. You can find all the main stores in the city center.There are several clubs and bars. In our first week, we found out about various customer services. So far we have googled a lot of things about customer services and found out for ourselves. We have worked together in mixed country groups and presented our newly acquired information in plenary.  


  • cool shopping centers

  • nice old town

  • shooters is cool

  • kindfull class 

  • the company visit was cool

  • we learned how to present in english


  • The lessons have been decently interesting

  • The town center has a lot of different shops and other places to visit

  • Even Though everyone doesn’t speak english they at least try to

  • I’m surprised that we only use school computers

  • The flipped classroom method is new to me


Good program and time passes well , beautiful city , i learned new things about costumer service , new knowledge about advertising and how it works , principles of work of different companies and different countries , and also new knowledge in the field of work in canvas, I learned something new . In addition to classes, I learned about the old town on excursions and basically got to know the city of Tartu.


My week in Tartu was incredible! I had such a great time exploring the city and meeting new people. The warm and welcoming atmosphere made it easy to connect with locals. 


Great time, cool shopping centers, and it gets dark very fast, The classes pass very fast, The town is nice but there's no people, Same groups everyday, we learned how to present in english. 


My first week in tartu has been great. The old town is beautiful, especially the town hall square is lively with cafes and shops. The city´s blend of historic and modern architecture is captivating . I also discovered beautiful parks and green spaces perfect for relaxation


  • The classes pass very fast

  • The town is nice but there's no people 

  • The hotel is really nice and has everything you need in it

  • The food is ok


  •  Nice old town, a lot of beautiful places to take photos

  • The student hotel is very good, especially that kitchen is in a room.

  • Classmates from other countries are nice, communicating with them is really interesting 

  • Food is good

  • During Doordec visit we learned how really things go in not big companies

  • We learned about customer services in others countries like India, USA, China, Latvia

  • We upgrading our speaking and communication skills during the presentations


  • I liked meeting new people and getting to know new cultures.

  • Even if the weather it's cold, the Tartu center is really nice.

  • We have learned about the importance of customer service.

  • I discovered that Doordec is based in Estonia.

  • The presentations allowed us to practice more English.

  • We managed to work with people we don´t know.


  • nice old town but not very crowded

  • Presenting everyday

  • Same groups everyday 

  • Company visit was interesting 

  • Estonians are off not able to speak in English 

  • Cold weather 


  • i love tartu

  • i like the groups

  • the hotell is really comfortable

  • i like DoorDec


the week went well, beautiful and interesting city, interesting lessons I learned about customer service, customer service in other countries, improved my knowledge of English, gained knowledge about creating advertising and analyzing service


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